March 20, 2017

How many Bible verses should I study at one time?

FOCUSed15 Podcast – Episode #13 (Season 2)

We’ve covered consistency, translationstime, commentaries, and more. Today let’s chat volume. Have you wondered how many Bible verses you should study at one time? Is just one enough? Or should it be 10 verses a day? One chapter at a time? Join Chris and I as we talk about how to figure out the appropriate amount of verses to study, depending on your goals.


  • 3 key things to consider when choosing verses to study
  • The different genres of writing found in the Bible
  • Katie and Chris’ new Bible studies they are working on
  • Finding natural divisions within the text
  • Looking at passages from a “Bird’s Eye View” vs. a “Bug’s Life View”
  • Using the FOCUSed15 Bible study method as an approach to slow down and enjoy the verses
  • The different layers to pull back when examining Scripture



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Bible Study How-Tos, Christian Podcasts, Podcast, Resources, season 2

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  1. Good Evening,
    I just attended the LifeWay Women’s Leadership Conference in Nashville. You were great and I just watched your intro videos we signed up for! WOW very helpful to me the newbie!! I did buy all 5 of your study guides and want to make sure I don’t get too overwhelmed but also get a good habit formed and good understanding of your technique but also the Bible its self and the story/lesson learned. Which version of your study guide should I start with?

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