July 14, 2015

When You Don’t Know Where To Begin

My blogging journey began on May 4, 2010, four days shy of my third-born’s 1 month milestone. I sat excitedly in front of the computer screen with baby Michael peacefully napping in my lap and I began to write. I had no idea what I was doing (nor the can I was opening,) yet even in my cluelessness I became a writer that hot Florida day. In the small step of starting something I began my journey towards a dream I didn’t even know existed.

I quickly found that I immensely enjoyed and desperately desired the processing that came with getting my words on a screen. There was much to learn (and still more) on the mechanics of writing, but communicating my thoughts, heart, and lessons learned became a natural and needed outlet. The outlet of blogging soon became more than just a hobby. It became a ministry, a job, and eventually an avenue to traditional publishing.

Five years later (having just submitted over 75,000 Bible study manuscript words) I sit in front of the screen a bit word-dry (as my friend Stacey calls it) and again unsure of exactly what to write and what looms around the corner. My sweet Michael no longer fits in my lap for a peaceful nap, out my window is the lush and rolling bluegrass hills of Kentucky instead of the flat palm tree laden sands of Florida, but this I do know: I’m called to be here, in front of this screen.

I still dream of being influential (and admitting this dream still scares me). Though I know see that influence isn’t just for a few. God has given us each our own platform — whether big or small — to steward for His glory. There are loads of big ideas in this head of mine for all I might attempt in my little corner of the web, yet I quickly get overwhelmed with the details and dedication needed to make it all happen. But tonight I’m reminded that I don’t need to conquer the world in an hour (nor is it mine to try). I simply need to start small and follow God’s lead as I did five years ago.

And so, I’ll quietly write one blog post and see where He takes me next.


Following Jesus, Life, Sojourning, The Everyday Woman, write it girl

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Pouring out your heart to God

Pouring out your heart to God
  1. Katie, your timing or God’s timing is always amazing to me. This was something I needed to read tonight. Start small and follow God’s lead…yes! I have no desire to be a big blogger or influential in a major way, but I want to be a good steward of what God gives me. I’ve been struggling with whether or not I’m even supposed to continue in certain efforts…follow God’s lead…that is good advice. Thank you!!

    1. Thanks, Mary. There are so many blogging voices, it is often hard for me to hear God’s directions. I waver between what I “should” be doing to follow all the blogging rules and then giving up altogether. But God has it all under control, even when I’m uncertain. 🙂

  2. When I saw the title I knew this was for me. Oh, how I can preach it but sometimes I have trouble believing it for my myself. I’m getting impatient on my journey. I am fearful that I’ve waited to late or wasted too much time or disqualified. myself. Thank you for reminding me that today “I don’t need to conquer the world in an hour (nor is it mine to try). I simply need to start small and follow God’s lead”. You are stewarding your platform well, dear Katie, and He is glorified.

    1. You are not too late, nor are you disqualified!

      Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

  3. Oh how this resonated with me. Not so much the blogging part, because I don’t feel God has called me to that (yet?)…but being a good steward of our platform. And I have one. I need to recognize it already exists instead of daydreaming about what I wish I had. So thanks!

  4. this was the overwhelming feeling we had when we embarked on a 17yr homeless feeding project. who would have known how many meals and how they improve from pbj to hot meals and the way supplies came to us when we did not have sponsors (the earthly ones at least) the way door after door opened and closed thru those years. and then when prayer after prayer finally lead to the handing over the baton as health issues closed the doors to what we were doing. who would have thought a pbj sandwich would lead to a 17 yr journey ??

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