Christmastime is the perfect opportunity to point our hearts to Christ, yet because it is so FULL of events, shopping, eating, and gathering, it can very easily become a season we simply get through. As a parent, I’ve often found this a stressful season, so keeping it simple and utilizing a few of the typical Christmas traditions to point us to Jesus has allowed us to make it through the month, while also enjoying the “reason for the season.”
UPDATED 12/5/2019
Giving (Just) Three Gifts
We’ve chosen to guide our gift-giving through the giving of three gifts. Though we don’t know exactly how many gifts the wise men gave the Christ-child, there are three mentioned in Scripture: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each of these point symbolically to the Messiah and His purpose for coming to earth.
And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11 ESV)
- Gold – symbolic of kingship
- Frankincense – was used in worship and represents the presence of God
- Myrrh – was used to prepare a body for burial
I love this song from Keith and Kristyn Getty and the way they refer to these three gifts. “Shepherd’s bow before the lamb gazing at the glory. Gifts of men from distant lands prophesied the story. Gold, a King is born today. Incense, God is with us. Myrrh, his death will make a way and by his blood he’ll win us.”
So, just as the wise men brought Jesus meaningful gifts, we give gifts with meaning as well. (Isn’t this sweet picture so cute? My kids are much older now, but this is from our early days of giving three gifts.)

A Gift of Gold – to Jesus Our King
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
This looks a bit different every year. When they were younger, each child got a set amount of money to give a present to Jesus. Specifically, a gift to give to others in His name (Matthew 25:35-40). They’ve given animals through World Vision gift catalogue, donations to our local Baptist children’s home, Gift-a-Verse through The Seed Company, and more. We’ve also had years where we they pooled their money to add to the annual gift we give for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. As they have grown older, we encourage them to have more ownership of this, and choose for themselves how they want to give back to Jesus including ways for them to earn the money they give … but they keep fairly well-stocked in cash from generous grandparents.
As a symbol of their gift to Jesus, they each get a gold ornament. These are usually just $1 ornaments from WalMart, but I’ve added a tag to each to help us remember the year and what they gave. (I didn’t start the tags until later on, so I don’t have all the year’s gifts labeled.) When they leave the house, they will have their own set of ornaments to keep. I hope they will grow to treasure these ornaments and use them one day to carry on the tradition of giving to Jesus each Christmas.
A Gift of Frankincense – to Meet with God
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer. It is to be salted and pure and sacred. Grind some of it to powder and place it in front of the ark of the covenant law in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you. Do not make any incense with this formula for yourselves; consider it holy to the LORD.” Exodus 30:34-3
The second gift is something that will encourage them in their walk with Christ; something they will use to meet with the Lord. Some years they’ve received a new Bible, devotional book, or Bible study. One year they got a basket to hold all their “quiet time” items, including a [earnist_link ref=”val-marie-paper-kids-prayer-jo” id=”21057″]prayer journal[/earnist_link], pens, and K-cups of hot chocolate reserved only for their time with God. My hope is that this will become the gift that they treasure more and more as they grow in their relationship with God.
A Gift of Myrrh – to Connect with One Another
Ok, so there is no great way to connect with the symbolism of myrrh! But we’ve traditionally made this third gift something that helps us connect with one another. Board games, a family gaming system, Disney passes (We can get these for really cheap as Florida residents. When we do this, this is also in lieu of birthday gifts, birthday party, Easter basket, etc. for the rest of the year!) Especially as our kids get older and we all have our different activities launching us out and about, having experiences we all share together has been amazing family time.
St. Nick Stockings
Another fun way we’ve used Christmas traditions to point to Jesus and His call on our lives to live for His glory is through our stockings. Instead of filling them with things, we fill them with small gifts and encouraging words to one another, focusing more on the latter than the former.
In the past, we’ve put the stocking up at the beginning of December, and fill each other’s stockings with gifts of encouraging words and small treats throughout the month. However, with moving and the craziness of the kid being older and our schedule fuller, we’ve been lax on this tradition. This year will be a great time to make a more concerted effort to encourage one another.
When the kids were smaller, they tended to give us little trinkets of theirs they thought mommy or daddy would want. So sweet.
One of the really fun things is that we store all the notes within the stockings the rest of the year. So each year when we hang our stockings, we have past notes to look through. (I try to jot the year on the back of the notes. Most are just small pieces of paper.)
The real “St. Nick” was a man who loved God and gave all he had, in secret, to those in need. We’ve talked to our kids about St. Nicholas, the true Santa Claus. The Veggie Tales movie [earnist_link ref=”veggietales-saint-nicholas-a-s” id=”21054″]Saint Nicholas-A Story of Joyful Giving[/earnist_link] was a great resource when my kids were little, as it tells the story of St. Nick and how he gave to others in the name of Christ. It might be fun to watch again as its been a few years since we’ve done so.
I’m so grateful we get this time of the year to intentionally point our hearts to the coming of Christ!
Hello there! I love the honesty in your blog and thank you for bein such a blessing 🙂 As for how we do Christmas, well it is new our oldest is 4 and we have our most recent is 2 months old. So our traditions are just starting. My husbands family does not celebrate at all and my family went huge. Santa a ton of gifts it was nuts. We only started following Christ a couple years ago and the first couple years felt convicted to do nothing. No tree, no gifts treat it as just another day. But this year we felt that we could use this holiday as most Christians do and keep the focus on Christ and what he calls us to do. We do not do Santa nor give a lot of gifts so its good to hear how you do gift giving it helps figure out how to make a gift meaningful and keep ourselves focused on those in need not ourselves.
Thanks for sharing Steph! There is no “right” way to do this, but Christmas is a great chance to make much of Jesus and have fun with the kids at the same time. Our oldest is 6, and Christmas has looked a bit different each year. It is fun to see how our traditions grow.
Katie, great ideas! We do three gifts too but ours aren’t as thoughtful as yours. I definitely don’t think there is a right or wrong with the gift giving thing. I think as with most grey areas it is an attitude of the heart. Hugs, friend.
Yes, a great point, Lara!
It is all about if our hearts our turned to Jesus. That is what He wants the most, our worship!
Hi Katie,
I love your ideas! I believe I will adopt one or two. 🙂
My husband and I give 3 gifts as well. We categorize them as a want, a need, and a give. We allow our children to have a say in what they get (A Want). We want them to have something that will benefit them spiritually and developmentally (A Need). We also want them to learn the importance of giving and serving, so we are teaching them lessons on, “it is better to give” (A Give).
We have made an intentional decision to show our kids (in every way we can) that the real value in life is not found in materialism, but rather that it is found in the One who is greater and provides for us in all our wants, needs, and gifts.
“The real value in life is not found in materialism, but rather that it is found in the One who is greater and provides for us in all our wants, needs, and gifts.”
Love it! Great ideas, Kim!