August 26, 2013

The Story of My Heart

A few weeks back I was in Dallas for the Declare blogging conference. It was a great, great weekend (and an excellent conference), despite the fact that I was pretty fried from all my travels and visits that month.

Throughout the weekend there was this great dialogue in various seminars on the different publishing routes. Being a self-publisher for several years now, my interest was peaked. Until recently, I have been perfectly happy self-publishing. I’m not one who has dreamed of becoming a published author. I’ve only recently stepped into a comfortable place of calling my self “author” and “writer”.

Having embraced this title as the platform by which God allows me to teach and to lead (the two roles I feel a specific calling toward) I have found myself recently drawn towards traditional publishing.

So, again, when the self-publishing vs. traditional publishing conversation came up, I listened intently. During a publishing panel session, Jeff Goins and Mary DeMuth both made the point that the answer to which route to go depends on your why behind publishing. Both stated that it is very hard to make a living going the traditional publishing route. But for most, the self-publishing platform can only take your message so far.

christian women bloggers

I think this is where I am at. I’m not writing primarily for income. I write because I desire to teach and to lead. My heart beats for discipleship of Christian women. It is what I am made for; it is what I love and I see the lure of traditional publishing dangling in front of me . . . and I’m ready to bite!

Jessica Kirkland, the literary agent on the panel, made a great point during the publication conversation which has stuck with me. She charged us to know what the story of our heart is and to guard it. Don’t be quick to give away your message to just anyone. If you desire to one day be traditionally published, save it.

This has resonated with me.

You see, my Focused15 Bible study method is the message of my heart. It is the “story” I want published to the world, in a way I can not do on my own. I am passionate about women experiencing the Word of God in a deep, consistent way, because it is when we are in the Word when we see God’s transforming power in our lives.

Since my time at Declare I’ve had a very encouraging phone conversation with Jessica, one that has showed me that Focused15 is indeed a needed tool and a wanted message.

It is time for the story of my heart to be written and heard, so that I can teach and lead — Lord willing — to a larger audience than I could ever imagine.

What is your heart’s story? What is your view on traditionally published books versus self-published ones?


Life, Sojourning

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Pouring out your heart to God

Pouring out your heart to God
  1. I am in the same boat in regards to publishing. I loved the wisdom we all received at the Declare Conference. I think self publishing can be great but I want to go the traditional route to reach more people. I have a heart for Apologetics. Thank you for sharing you experience from Declare. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Sarah! It is definitely a God-timing, as I truly have had not desire until recently. Excited for what is to come!

      Apologetics would be great! Can’t wait to see what He leads you to.

  2. It was good to meet you that weekend, and I appreciate your thoughts on the topic! I have always been a writer, and never considered being published at all! My heart beats for Missionary Care though, and I have come to realize that I can cheer others on to lovingly care for their own global workers here, near, and far away. My thought was to self publish an e-book as a handbook to give it away online, but I know there is more to a handbook to cover! I’m still waiting and praying about how that will move forward… His timing, His plan!

  3. I can not wait to see where this new adventure takes you & your studies. God is going to use you to do mighty things for His Kingdom. I’m so glad I get to cheer you on!

    1. Thank you, sweet Julie! Your encouragement over the years has meant much to me! We *might* be heading to the lake for Thanksgiving. Hope we can catch some awesome french toast again while I’m there!

  4. One of the (many) things I love about you Katie is your ability to recognize God’s gifts and calling in your life, own that calling, then turn right around and use it for Him. That’s the way He intended us to be, and I am mighty proud to call you my friend. May He continue to clarify His vision for your ministry!

  5. I am looking forward to seeing where the Lord takes you with this and learning from your story!! I am so happy for you! He blesses us with so many good things…then we bless others!

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