January 7, 2015

Say Goodbye to Perfectionism

I’ve been on a video kick lately. Today, I share a bit about how perfectionism is silly and keeps us from the very things we want to accomplish.

You can watch the video here in the blog post or you can simply listen to the audio through the audio player above.

Of note from this episode:

Do you struggle with this all-or-nothing mentality? Does it keep you from opening your Bible?


You have many options for listening in. Simply choose your favorite from below.
1. Listen right here on the blog.

2. Listen from an app on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch– For iDevice users, click here to access the podcast and subscribe in iTunes.  If you don’t have an Apple device, you can listen with the Stitcher app or directly from the site. For all podcast apps, new episodes will show up as soon as they are published.

3. Listen from your computer via iTunes. Just click here to access the podcast in iTunes. Once you subscribe to the podcast, new episodes will show up in your iTunes dashboard.

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Bible Study, God's Word, Podcast, season 1

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  1. I wanted to share with you, after listening to your segment on Perfectionism and letting go of all or nothing, what someone shared with me that has helped tremendously with this mentality:
    Perfection is the enemy of good enough.

    1. That’s good, Katalin! So many things around me that are absolutely good enough, yet I often feel they are not enough.

      Thanks for sharing.

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