September 25, 2013

Ministry, a Gift of Grace

I’ve been all about podcasts this week. Kat and I launched the HelloMornings podcast today, and I’m launching my very own podcast here too!

Today I’m sharing just a few insights on what Ephesians 3:1-11 has to teach us about ministry. Just click play below to listen in to this 7 minute teaching . . . there is even a Pride and Prejudice reference! (Email readers, click here if you don’t see the audio player.)

katie orr podcast 1400.002Do you see ministry as a gift? Listen to the podcast, then let me know your thoughts on ministry as a gift of grace in the comments.


Bible Study, Following Jesus, God's Word, Podcast

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Pouring out your heart to God
  1. Oh Katie! This is what I was saying in my post this morning that I want to pound in my head and inject in my heart – this amazing truth- and listening to this podcast is helping to do just that. Listened to this as we r on our way to Fall Retreat :). Speaking during the women’s time so pray for a sista.

    1. Praying He moves hearts in a mighty way through you!

      Thanks for listening. Excited to keep podcasting, short and sweet truths.

    1. Helen, you should be able to just click the play button in the player toward the bottom of the post. Are you getting any error messages? Is your sound muted?
      Or, you can click the podcast image at the top of the post and it will take you to iTunes where you can subscribe to the podcast and listen in iTunes.

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