March 27, 2017

How can I keep from taking a Bible verse out of context?

FOCUSed15 Podcast – Episode #14 (Season 2)

Not one of us tries to do take a verse out of context, yet we all inevitably do. We might read into a verse something that it wasn’t intended to speak into. Other times we miss important key truths the original author meant to be understood from his words. We forget to keep in mind the reason the words were penned in the first place. There is much that goes into a careful interpretation of Scripture, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. Listen in for a few quick tips for keeping the context in view when you read and study any verse of the Bible.


  • Why we need to keep the context of each book of the Bible in mind when we study a verse.
  • A real-life example of why context is important for interpreting the meaning of words.
  • Several helpful tips for figuring out the context of each book of the Bible.
  • A quick and easy context “hack” to begin to understand the context of a verse when you’re looking up a verse in the middle of a book of the Bible.
  • Importance of keeping all verses not only within the context of the book, but also within the whole counsel of Scripture.


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Bible Study How-Tos, Christian Podcasts, Podcast, Resources, season 2

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