September 28, 2011

For Tucker {A Reminder to Linger}

Target. Three kids. One cart.

Pushing. Pulling. Screaming. Fighting.

And lots of people around to hear it all.

Things settle down a bit, and a lady (sans kids) comes up to me, “I just want to say I’ve been there”. I nod, unsure of what to say.

“This time goes by so quickly, mine are fifteen and twelve, and I can’t believe it! I really miss this time.”

“That’s what I hear!” I answer. If I could have given her an eye roll, without being rude…I would have.

She says goodbye with a smile on her face and look of nostalgia.

I’m a bit stunned. YOU MISS THIS?! You miss having to try to manage chaos while dozens stand around and watch? You miss being constantly needed? You miss the sleepless nights and the difficult, draining days?

Yet, something inside of me knows she is right.

I need to savor these moments.


Hours later, just miles away, a friend lost her baby boy. A big boy, really. He was almost three.

We just saw him at the library today.

We sang ring-around-the-rosie together.

I told him I liked his cowboy boots.

He stayed close to his mommy most Wednesdays during story time. He loved to sit in her lap.

That image of him sitting, content in his mommy’s lap, worn-out cowboy boots pointed at the ceiling is forever burned in my mind.

You could see he knew that he was loved.


Lord, forgive me for the many, many moments I have wished away and wasted.

They are gifts you have given and I don’t want to take one second for granted.

Give me the grace and strength to say yes to my sweet ones when I hear “Mommy, can you come play with me?”

Help me to linger long and make the most of each day I have to spend with my children.


Will you say a quick prayer for this sweet family? God knows exactly what they need.

May He be glorified.

Photo Credit

Linking up with Joy  and Michelle


depression, Family, parenting, Sojourning

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Pouring out your heart to God

Pouring out your heart to God
    1. Thank you, Jessica.

      My heart just aches. I had such a hard time sleeping last night. It is amazing how fleeting life truly is.

      Appreciate your prayers!

  1. Praying for this family, Katie.

    Thank you for your honesty and transparency. I find myself torn at times, too. I know these moments are passing quickly, but the moments I find myself struggling as a mom don’t pass quickly enough. He gives us grace as we continue one day at a time, one moment at a time.

    Have a blessed day, my friend…

  2. Praying that even in this, that they will be able to trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding. Very heavy-hearted this morning myself…. can’t imagine what they must feel. Jesus be very present in this home today and in the days that follow.

  3. Praying for your friend, Katie. That’s so hard!

    Praying for the rest of us mamas too…that we may linger.

  4. Beautiful post, reminding us all to linger. I will be praying for your friend may God lift them up like only He can.

  5. I’ve thought about you and this family a number of times since I read your post yesterday. Praying, friend.

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