October 5, 2011

Feeling at Home

In the last 6 years I have lived in 4 different towns and 6 different “homes”, some for only a few months. With each move, it has taken much effort to settle in. After all the boxes are unpacked and furniture is arranged, there was still work to be done to figure out what “normal” looks like in each new place.

We just finished up studying John 15:1-11 last week, over at Do Not Depart. The overarching command here is to abide, or remain in Christ. His Words are to abide in us, and as it does we are given great promises.

The abiding of Jesus’ word in us means that his words find a home in us. They fit. They belong…You move other things around and even get rid of some things so that the word has room and “feels at home.”

The words of Jesus don’t “abide” without effect. When they take root, they produce faith and holiness. “Sanctify them in the truth,” Jesus says; “your word is truth” (John 17:17). So when his words abide in us, sanctification happens. We are transformed. Holiness, Christlikeness, happens. -John Piper, If My Words Abide in You

Oh, I want the Word of God to be at home in me!

I feel like I am only beginning to experience the words of God abiding in me, and it has been accelerated greatly through scripture memorization.

Just like when we make a physical move, we don’t come to a place of “at-homeness” with the Word of God overnight. We don’t know the Bible intimately the moment we enter into a relationship with Christ. It takes hard work and time for the Word of God to be at home, settled in to our hearts.

Another thing we need to realize is, our hearts are not new, empty houses ready to be filled. Our hearts are filled with clutter, old furniture and unwelcomed guests. In order for the Word of God to be at home in our hearts, we will need to de-clutter, re-organize, and ask some guests to leave. Only as we do this can we provide God’s Word a place to abide in our hearts.

I have found that there is no better, quicker way to “make room” for the Word of God in my heart than to memorize scripture.

Pastor John has come to the same conclusion. You can listen to, watch, or read the full sermon here.(In case you don’t catch it, Pastor John starts out this sermon by reciting Psalm 1, Psalm 16, Psalm 103, Romans 5:1–8, Romans 8, Matthew 6:25–34, and 1 Corinthians 13, back to back. What an inspiration!)

For more inspiration, be sure to head over to Do Not Depart this week, and check out the vlogs and posts by others on this scripture memory journey.

Linking up!


Abide, Bible, doctrine, Following Jesus, God's Word, scripture memory, Sojourning

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  1. I love how you compared our cluttered hearts to empty houses. Beautiful! How I long for His Word to fill my heart to overflowing!

  2. I love that picture of making God’s word at home in our hearts by memorising it. I know that I have been able just to refer to scripture effortlessly when it is memorised, just like how we can find things a lot more easily when they’re unpacked than when they’re in boxes!

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