September 23, 2011

Sermons on Galatians

I am really enjoying the Abiding Fruit study hosted over at Do Not Depart. I am teaching this coming Monday’s passage, and a few others coming up, so I have been elbow-deep in Galatians 5:16-26 lately. (Remember, anyone is welcome to join in the study and it’s not too late to jump in! Just download the study here.)

I love to listen to sermons when I am digging into a passage. It helps me keep my mind on the things of God throughout the day, and assists me in my interpretation of the passage if I have questions.

Sermons on Galatians

I wanted to share with you a few sermons I have been listening to lately. I usually can squeeze them in on the few mornings where I get out to run (just 20 minutes). Then I finish them up throughout the day while I fold laundry, or while driving around town running errands.

If you want to listen or read the full sermon, just click on the link and it will take you there!

Let Us Walk by the Spirit – Desiring God.

Let us acknowledge from our heart that we are unable to please God without the Spirit’s constant enablement. Let us pray for that enablement. Let us trust confidently in the Spirit’s power and promise to give that enablement. Then let us do what we know is right. And having done it, let us turn and say with all the saints, “Not I, but the Spirit of Christ within me.” Thanks be to God! To him be glory for ever and ever! Amen.

The War Within: Flesh Vs. Spirit – Desiring God.

 How, then, do we walk by the Spirit? The answer is plain. We stop trying to fill the emptiness of our lives with a hundred pieces of world, and put our souls at rest in God. The Spirit will work the miracle of renewal in your life when you start meditating on his unspeakable promises day and night and resting in them.



Following Jesus, God's Word

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    1. You’ll enjoy them. Although, I could have done without the 20 minutes of reading from a Christian college’s manual Driscoll did. He could have made his point within the first 5 minutes. So, just be prepared to skip, if you are short on time.

  1. i only listened to Mark Driscoll’s. And I actually find ghat part about the Christian college hysterical. I was laughing very hard. It is rather sad that somebody could be sooo legalistic and close-minded. I love his other sermons. He is very funny but has a gift to bring things into such a great perspective and make it relative to our every day life.

  2. Thank you for the links! I’m constantly looking for podcasts and sermons to listen to when I work out or at work. Love these resources!! Keep them coming!!!

    This study has been great. I love that I’m studying the Bible by asking questions from the bible!!! No need for anything. Just me and my bible. This is what I’ve been wanting- to study bible on my own!!!!

    Thank you sister friend!!!

  3. Thanks for the links!! A blessing after studying this passage all week! I hope you’ll do the same next weekend! : )

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