September 3, 2018

Experiencing the peace of God

My everyday peace is easily stolen. It takes only a simple glance at the latest world news or my mounting to-do list for uncertainty and restlessness to rise up and overwhelm my heart with anxiety. Yet another look at the success and joys of those around me can lure my soul into a never-ending longing for the possessions, personality traits, and positions in life I do not have. Just one encounter with a difficult person or a sticky exchange can quickly rob my days of peace.

Everyday peace is something I have to fight for.

I expect you might be knee-deep in this fight as well. In fact, you might feel as if you are battered and bruised, defeated by the thieves of peace. Anxiety fills your moments. Dissension defines your relationships. Discontentment rules your days.

If you find yourself lacking peace, be encouraged. You are not alone. In fact, the minute I began to write this Bible study, my anxiety levels seemed to triple, my lack of contentment incredibly evident, and (after years of peace-filled friendships) multiple relational wildfires popped up out of nowhere. Opportunities to engage in the fight for everyday peace were abundant.

As we’ll see in our study together, everyday peace is ushered in or shut out of our lives through the choices we make. Anxiety, dissension, and discontentment stare us in the face daily (if not hourly!) and these peace-robbers will continue to trail us and attempt to invade our hearts as long as we live on this sin-stained earth. Though we cannot always avoid these enemies of peace, we do have a choice when we encounter them. And the actions needed to fight for peace may not be what you think.

Everyday peace can be cultivated. Not by managing your emotions or self-helping your way to a status of serenity. Everyday peace is within reach because it has been granted to us by our faithful, generous God. He has fought and won the battle for peace. Our job is to stand firm in the provision He’s already given us.

Through the presence of God, the strength of the Spirit, and the example of Christ, our every moment can be saturated with the peace that surpasses understanding. He is working in and around you to establish this promised peace for you. God’s plan for you is everyday peace. 

God, bring your peace into my moments. I long to experience the peace that passes all understanding in my everyday life. I confess my need for you to reveal to me the role I play in everyday peace. Holy Spirit, I open every nook and cranny of my heart and mind for you to carefully inspect, gently correct, and powerfully transform.

This is an excerpt from the [earnist_link ref=”everyday-peace-standing-firm-i-3″ id=”18995″]Everyday Peace[/earnist_link], a 4-week Bible study for women. 

This study was ground breaking… I left from this study knowing how to find true lasting peace in my everyday and how to study my Bible more effectively! This is a must do study! — Kristin

Used this as book for women’s Bible study for women of all ages. It was well received by all. Would highly recommend this for personal or group study. — Emily

I wish there were 10 stars for Everyday Peace!!! A book that says ‘me too’ AND points you to the Bible is a must read/study for Christians! — Melissa

[earnist_link ref=”everyday-peace-standing-firm-i-3″ id=”18995″]Click here to check it out![/earnist_link]


Bible, Bible Study, Following Jesus, God's Word

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