Uncover the Real and Lasting Way to Happiness
YOU can experience a full, flourishing, happy Christian life
Even if you’re not one of those “naturally happy” people.
Does it seem like everyone else has it all figured out? They seem rise above the circumstances and distractions of life and remain consistently happy. For the rest of us, the pursuit of lasting happiness can be exhausting.
Even if you’ve tried so hard to be happier.
Are you sick of chasing an elusive ideal? Do you feel that matter how hard you try, dissatisfaction and discouragement inevitably return?
Let me show you the true path to happiness. In Secrets of the Happy Soul, I’ll share six clear ways to nurture the Happy Soul already within you.
What do you say about a book that literally grabs you in the intro and holds on to your heart so much that you don’t stop reading until it’s finished? That is so full of highlights that you have to go back and start reading again to REALLY soak those in? You call it a fresh breath of air because it awakens and further illuminates the need of our soul to KNOW God through His Word.
- Tracye
Through key teachings from the PsalmS
Secrets of the Happy Soul will help you:

Learn the secrets of the Happy Soul and experience the satisfying, fruitful life you crave.
While we often split hairs over joy compared to happiness, this book puts them together. And these secrets, these often misunderstood treasures hidden in the bible, can help our souls become happy. I highly recommend this biblically truthful, entertaining, and highly encouraging book. It’s one that will truly fill our soul and teach the truth about the happiness of it.
- Shannon

A delightfully deep look at what happiness means to God’s people. Katie Orr infuses her careful scholarship with practical steps and relatable stories, all wrapped in a warmhearted approach that says, “We’re in this together.” And those six secrets? Worth reading about, worth learning about, and definitely worth telling others about.
Liz Curtis Higgs
bestselling author of Bad Girls of the Bible

Katie Orr’s Secrets of the Happy Soul is a grounded, balanced, encouraging guide for anyone struggling to find happiness daily. I so appreciated her apt handling of the Word of God, coupled with authenticity in her own story. Highly recommended to any woman searching for a joy-anchor in this untethered, pessimistic world.
Mary DeMuth
author of Outrageous Grace Every Day

What I love most about this book is that the secrets Katie reveals are not simply steps to rehearse or goals to reach for. Katie digs much deeper to show us how the secrets of a Happy Soul are the unlimited riches already deposited in every Christ follower, and she unpacks how to work them out in our everyday lives.
Jeannie Cunnion
author of Mom Set Free

Katie Orr is one of my trusted sources for Bible studies, study tools, and biblical wisdom for women. Secrets of the Happy Soul is a welcome addition to my bookshelf.
Christine Hoover
author of With All Your Heart and podcast host of By Faith

Psalm 1 is filled with road language—a pathway for all of us to find the ‘right’ road. Katie captures this journey in Secrets of the Happy Soul by sharing her personal journey toward true happiness found only in God’s Word. If your soul is searching for a happy path, this book will help you discover delight along the way.
Kelly D. King
manager of Magazines/Devotional Publishing and Women’s Ministry Training, LifeWay Christian Resources

Katie Orr is a phenomenal Bible teacher. Two things I really love about her: she is relatable and she always points me to Christ. She has helped me in my own daily devotional time in countless ways. You will be blessed by any and all of her resources.
Jessica Thompson
author and speaker