Hungry for more Bible study but not sure how to make it fit into the fast pace of life?

You can enjoy a deep dive into the Bible

Even if you have a busy schedule.

Life moves at a fast pace these days. While we juggle all our responsibilities, it's easy to think that Bible study will just need to be something for a slower season of life. The FOCUSed15 studies are built for the busy woman in mind. In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can start experiencing a significant study of Scripture. 

Even if you've tried to study the Bible before, but didn't know what to do. 

Using the FOCUSed15 study method, you'll learn how to study the Bible on your own. Designed to be a simple way to start, over time you'll be able to apply the method to any passage of Scripture. 

A deep experience of the Bible in as little as 15 minutes a day

Through each of the FOCUSed15 Bible studies you'll receive

  • a 5-day week study plan (giving you the weekend to catch up or go deeper)
  • a system of study that will help you go deep
  • devotional thoughts for each day’s passage
  • daily Bonus Study ideas to go deeper on the days you have more time
  • "cheat sheets" to help you see if you are on the right track
  • a transferrable method you can use on any passage of Scripture.

FOCUSed15 Bible Study Series

Designed for those who are pressed for time but crave more from their time in the Bible, the FOCUSed15 Bible studies for women offer a unique format that takes as little as 15 minutes a day. While the time may be short, the structure of these studies provide a relevant and lasting approach to studying the Bible for beginners and novices alike.

Everyday Faith

Drawing Near to His Presence

This 4-week Bible study will help you discover how to draw near to God’s presence. As you explore Hebrews 11, you will discover that as you draw near to Him, His presence will give your faith new life and meaning.

Everyday Hope

Holding Fast to His Promise

Explore hope that fills the Scriptures and the same hope God intends to fill your life. Let’s be honest, we all experience moments, even long seasons, of hopelessness. Everyday Hope will help you discover how to hold fast to His promises amidst feelings of hopelessness.

Everyday Love

Bearing Witness to HIs Purpose

What does real Christian love look like in the everyday moments of life? Everyday Love—an easy-to-use, four-week study—will help you discover how your life can bear witness to God’s purpose. In as few as 15 minutes a day, you will explore 1 Corinthians 13 and the deeper truths about God’s love for you and others.

Everyday Peace

Standing Firm in His Provision

This 4-week Bible study will help you better understand how to allow the peace of Christ rule your heart instead of anxiety, discontent, and relational dissension. In as few as 15 minutes a day, you will gain a new understanding of the powerful truths in Philippians 4:1-13.

Everyday Obedience

Walking Purposefully in His Grace

Everyday Obedience, an easy-to-use, four-week study of Colossians 3:1-17 will help you better understand the correlation of how God’s grace coupled with your obedience leads you to unexpected freedom as you walk forward in holy living.


A 6-week study of the Book of Philippians

As you uncover the rich truths through this Bible study on Philippians, you’ll discover how to daily experience God’s presence and engage in His eternal purposes for your life, leading to an overflowing and uncontainable joy.


A 6-week study of the Book of Jonah

As you uncover the rich truths found in Jonah, not only will you gain a fresh and accurate perspective on the life of Jonah, you’ll explore the presence, patience, and provision of our Almighty God.

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