through the

where you can
Get a Better Understanding of Scripture
through A DEEP DIVE in the book of Titus
tickets are only $59

Studying the Bible
can be filled with struggle.
You’re not alone if ...

I can 100% relate
to the Bible study struggle.
The first time I decided to take my faith seriously, I dove in head first. I ran out and purchased a big, fancy-looking Bible (back when there were physical bookstores to do such a thing), excitedly headed home, sat down on my bed to start reading, and ... crickets.
I had no idea what the words on the page meant. In an instant I went from excited and driven to deflated and discouraged. So, I went back to reading the devotional on my nightstand and spent several years wondering if there was some secret Bible study super-power I didn't possess.
It wasn't until I discovered a few simple study tools — in the context of community — that I learned how to read, study, and understand the Bible. Finally, a deeper experience of the Word of God became accessible to me.
After that, my spiritual growth skyrocketed.
That's why I Created the
Enjoy God’s Word 2022 Titus Deep Dive
online women's bible conference
this online women's Bible conference was a blast and the archives are ready and waiting for you.
I brought together thirteen Deep Dive teachers to teach through the book of Titus PLUS a dozen practical breakout sessions geared toward encouraging in your walk with Christ.
(Of course, everything is recorded, so you can enjoy each session again and again at your leisure.)
This online women's Bible conference is designed to give you the tools, structure, and community you need to
dive deep into Scripture.
tickets are only $59

Imagine With me ...
- Through a few simple tools, and stellar biblical sessions, you study an entire book of the Bible, verse-by-verse.
- After completing your guided study of Titus, you are equipped to go to any passage of Scripture to study it on your own.
- You enter a new season of thriving instead of depleted — flourishing instead of stagnant.

With YOUR TITUS DEEP DIVE TICKET you're getting:
- Thirteen deep teachings through the book of Titus so that you can understand the main points of the book
- A comprehensive, customizable Titus study plan so you can study every verse in the book with confidence
- A dozen practical and devotional breakout sessions to encourage you in your walk with God
- A digital conference notebook to keep track of all you are learning
Set aside three days to dive deep
and see what happens!
A stellar event like this held at a conference center, with dozens of speakers, deep theological keynote teaching, practical how-to breakout sessions would set you back hundreds of dollars.
A ticket to the Enjoy God's Word online conference is only $59.
Plus, you can watch all the sessions in your PJs.
" This conference has been the best investment I have made in my spiritual life. So many great videos. Can't wait for the next conference!"
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Enjoy the conference
when and where it's convenient for you.
"Being a part of the Deep Dive has been a great experience. God is respected and loved and His Word is held to the highest standards. "
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Not all conferences are alike. I've attended some that were an absolute waste of time. The Enjoy God’s Word Titus Deep Dive will not be one of those conferences. In fact, I'm so confident in the quality and proven helpfulness of the conference, I’m including a guarantee. If you complete the three-day deep dive conference and don't 1) learn how to dive deeper in your Bible study, 2) better understand the book of Titus, and 3) walk away with practical applications for your life, I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at within two weeks of your purchase.
Tickets are only $59!
About the Conference
Sessions & Speakers
Alongside a customizable study plan with worksheets to guide the way, our Deep Dive Teachers will provide expositional teachings to help you study through Titus with confidence. You'll also receive twelve practical Breakout Sessions geared to encourage and equip you in your pursuit of Jesus.
All teachers hold to and will teach from these biblical, theologically conservative beliefs.

Conference Schedule
Day One

Author, Audience, & Aim of Titus
Erica Wiggenhorn
If you're casual about your Christianity, you'll quickly become a casualty of the culture. We are not meant to be cloistering or assimilating, but participating wisely in the communities in which we are placed. Paul understood this, and sent Titus to call the Cretan Christians to live a new way due to their faith in Christ Jesus. But in order to gain the most wisdom from our dive deep into these words Paul penned, we must do a bit of work to understand the cultural and historical content in which they were written. Join Erica for this foundational teaching which will help shape your study of the book of Titus.
International Speaker and author of An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God's Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt / Master's in Language Acquisition & Development

Can Joy and Suffering have a seat at the same table?
Ashley Behn
When we are in a trial, we often think there is something wrong with us. Like, "Why can’t I get it together? Why do I feel like such a mess? Why is everyone else doing life better than me?" In this session, we’ll take a look at an often overlooked piece of Joseph’s story and walk away with practical ways to care for hurting souls — both our own as well as others.
ABOUT Ashley
Bible Teacher, Pastor's Wife, High School Teacher of Apologetics / Advanced Certificate of Biblical Studies, Boyce College

How to Study Epistles
Natalia Drumm
We read a novel different than we read the newspaper. When we sit down to watch a "chick flick" we expect something different than a SiFi movie. The rules of engagement for each type of genre help us interpret and enjoy the mediums we consume. Just like our libraries and Netflix accounts, the Bible is filled with different types of genres. In this session we'll look at the genre of Epistles, in order to better understand the book of Titus.
ABOUT Natalia
Creator of Girlfriends in the Word™, Bible Teacher / Pursuing M.A. in Christian Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary.

Building Blocks to Better Bible Study
Rhonda Hensley
"Where do I start? Why don't I understand this? What did I just read? How do I get the most out of my Bible Study time? " Have you ever asked these questions? If so, you are not alone. In this practical breakout session, we will discuss three simple building blocks to enhance and enjoy your study time in the Word.
ABOUT Rhonda
Women's Ministry Director at Covenant Baptist Church, Pastor's Wife / B.A. in Christian Studies, North Greenville University

the big picture of titus
Kimberly Campbell
We study Scripture in order to better understand God and His plan for our lives. This understanding comes as we grasp the details of each verse, while also keeping in mind the big picture of the Bible. In this session, we'll take a bird's-eye-view of Titus, as well as a peek in to how this book fits within the greater narrative of Scripture, so that we can have the perspective needed to start our dive deep study of Titus off right.
ABOUT Kimberly
Lavish Hospitality Podcast Host, Bible Teacher, Word & Table Women founder / Master of Divinity in Christian Education, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

How to Discover God's Will for Your Life
Where is God calling you in this season? In this session you'll learn how to discover God's will for your life through God's Word, God's Spirit, and the circumstances all around you.
Founder of, author of Follow God's Will

Titus 1:1-4
The book of Titus begins with a rich theological foundation outlining God’s character, God’s plan, and God’s purpose for Christians. Join us as we set the stage for an in depth look at Paul’s focus in the book of Titus.
about EMILY
Assistant Professor of Ministry to Women at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College / PhD in Christian Education, NOBTS
"The ladies explain things so well. They have taught me new ways of understanding Scripture."
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Tickets are only $59!
Conference Schedule
Day Two

Lead by Example ... Somebody is Watching
We all have people who are watching us, young girls, peers, and even elders. Whether or not we hold an "official" leadership title, we each have a great potential for leading others. In this session we'll look at the biblical basis for using our God-given influence for good.
Women's Ministry Leadership Team at Mt. Zion Baptist Church and Author of the Pursued and Redeemed blog / Pursuing a M.Div. in Ministry to Women at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Titus 1:5-9
Join Jana for a deep dive through Titus 1:5-9.
Women's Ministry Director, Bible Teacher / Simeon Trust Trained, Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Creating a Bible Reading Habit ... with Friends!
We know spending time in the Word daily is something that is incredibly essential for us in order to grow in faith and godliness, but how do we actually create a habit that we’ll stick with? In this session, we learn an effective way to stay consistent with our reading and studying, while at the same time taking the “iron sharpens iron” principle, by bringing friends and/or family alongside us for added connection and accountability.
Bible Teacher, Small Group Leader / Pursuing IBCD Biblical Counseling certification

Titus 1:10-16
Join Ali for a deep dive through Titus 1:10-16.
about ALI
Women's Ministry Leader, Writer, Teacher / Pursuing a Master's in Christian Education with an emphasis in Women's Ministry, Dallas Theological Seminary

God's Word for Your Wilderness
RAchel wojo
Are you struggling in a wilderness season, feeling discouraged, disillusioned, or defeated? Join Rachel's session as she unpacks three practical ways you can treasure God's Word during tough times and discover strength to keep going. Rachel will teach you how to "spiritually habit-stack" to gain ground against the enemy!
Creator at and Author of One More Step: Finding Strength When You Feel Like Giving Up

Titus 2:1-6
Have you ever wished you had someone you could lean on and learn from in your walk God? Scripture has given us a powerful and practical play-by-play plan that teaches us how to live out the Christian life together and how to pass on our faith from one generation to the next. Join Stephanie for a deep dive through Titus 2:1-6 and you take a fresh new look at an age-old calling and discover why God never intended us to do the Christian life alone.
Bible Teacher and Author of The Making of a Mom and Ecclesiastes: Understanding What Matters Most

Paul: His Passion, Plan, and Perspective
When it comes to the gospel, Paul is one of the most influential men of all time. He spent much of his time entrusting the message of the gospel to faithful ministers, like Titus, who would be able to teach others also. In this session, join Katie for a deeper look at the motivation, methods, and mindset of the Apostle Paul.
Author of Secrets of the Happy Soul and FOCUSed15 Bible Studies, Bible Teacher, founder of the Bible Study Hub / Master of Arts in Discipleship, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Titus 2:7-10
Join Virginia for a deep dive through Titus 2:7-10.
Author of Rock Solid Trust, Bible Study Teacher and Speaker

Finding True Rest in God's WorD
Life is busy and full of demands on our time, energy, and resources. Just like our phones need recharging each night, we cannot keep going without replenishment. In this session, Amy will dig in to Psalms 55 and 91 to help us see how the Word of God is our only source of true rest.
Bible teacher and Conference Speaker
"I love the sound teaching from women whose love for God absolutely shines through them!"
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Tickets are only $59!
Conference Schedule
Day Three

Titus 2:11-14
We all have days when we feel like we don’t measure up — like we could never be “good enough” for this Christian life. But in this session, we will get the opportunity to revel in the great grace of God. His grace not only saves, it also sanctifies. He’s the One who teaches and trains us along the way — one day at a time — to walk in a manner worthy of his name. Join Lara in this Deep Dive and receive a needed reminder of the depths of God's grace.
Speaker and Author / Master of Divinity, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

ALL ABOUT Biblical Prophecy
A large chunk of Scripture is filled with prophecy — yet these huge sections of Scripture are not often studied. If a brave soul does attempt to study prophetic passages, the weird imagery and symbolism leaves us scratching our heads. Join us for an interview-style session where Katie and Tracy will tackle how to study, understand, and apply prophetic Scripture.
Author of A Redesigned Life, Every Life Ministries Director of Leader Development, Co-founder of My Only Aim /Master's in Biblical and Theological Studies, Phoenix Seminary

Titus 2:15-3:2
Join Jessica for a deep dive through Titus 2:15-3:2.
Assistant Professor of Music and Worship; Director, Doctor of Musical Arts program, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary / Doctoral Degree in Worship and Hymnology, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Living in Awe of God
Insecurities can be a plague on the flourishing live God has promised us. When live overwhelms us, it is tempting to seek isolation .... Our issues with self-esteem and belonging can be remedied not by knowing first who WE are, but by knowing who GOD is. Join Amy for this breakout session and walk away with a deeper understanding of what it means to live in awe of God.
Bible Teacher, Pastor's Wife / Certificate of Biblical Studies from Southeastern Seminary, pursuing a Master of Arts in Discipleship, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Titus 3:3-7
Most of us love a good “before and after” story like a beauty makeover or home renovation. But in Titus 3:3-7, Paul describes the best and most dramatic makeover of all time. He describes our hopeless and helpless life before Christ, how God miraculously intervened, and what that means for our eternity. Join Kathy for this Deep Dive session and learn not only what God gives but also how God imparts new spiritual life to us.
Bible Teacher and Author of the "meaty" devotional series Deep Rooted / Master's in Christian Education, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary.

Understanding Biblical Peace
Peace is not a feeling, it’s a fruit, a gift of the Holy Spirit to those who believe. And yet, many Christians confess feeling a complete lack of it, or at least like their peace is dependent upon the roller coaster of life. But we can learn to stop stuffing a worldly definition of peace into a biblical one. Join Brooke for a deep-dive look at what true biblical peace is, and get a practical model for applying it to any and every situation of your life!
Founder of Million Praying Moms; Author of Praying Mom and Everyday Prayers for Peace, Host of the Million Praying Moms Podcast

Titus 3:8-11
Join Tara for a deep dive through Titus 3:8-11.
Author of Everyday Prayers for the School Year and Host of the Over A Cup Podcast / Masters in Composition Rhetoric

How to Apply Even *THAT* Passage to Our Lives
Studying the Bible is an important skill to nurture, but it can be hard to know what to do with all those truths we’ve gathered. This is especially true for the passages where there seems to be very little with which we can relate. In this session, Milly will provide helpful principles that will equip us to better apply our Bible study work to our everyday moments.
[need] / Master of Arts in Discipleship and Women’s Ministry, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, International Mission Board Field Training

Titus 3:12-15
The last section in biblical epistles are typically filled with personal greetings and instructions for specific individuals. We typically blow right through these verses with a simple reading, but there is much to learn from these seemingly un-relatable verses. Join Katie for a deep dive through Titus 3:12-15 and see how we can apply even these type of verses to our lives.
Author of Secrets of the Happy Soul and FOCUSed15 Bible Studies, Bible Teacher, founder of the Bible Study Hub / Master of Arts in Discipleship, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Plus, to make this an absolute no-brainer for you, I’m including a guarantee. If you complete the three-day deep dive conference and don't 1) learn how to better study the Bible, 2) better understand the book of Titus, and 3) walk away with practical applications for your life, I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at within two weeks of your purchase.
Tickets are only $59!
Frequently Asked Questions
The conference was originally held in December, 2022. All sessions were recorded and ready to be watched immediately. You can enjoy the sessions on-demand during the time and place that works for you. Suggested schedules are included. Your conference ticket gives you lifetime, on-demand, 24/7 access to all the conference recordings
This conference is 100% online in the Bible Study Hub community (on a platform called Circle) within a private space just for conference attendees.
Your particular WHERE may be from your comfy chair in your PJs, at your kitchen sink while you wash dishes, during your commute to and from work, or on your evening walk.
We typically have over well over 300 women — from all over the world — enjoying the Word together through this conference!
A stellar event like this held at a conference center, with dozens of speakers, deep theological keynote teaching, practical how-to breakout sessions would set you back hundreds of dollars.
- Conference ticket: $170 at least
- Travel expenses: $100 at least
- Hotel room for three nights: $225 at least (if you split a room with someone)
- Meals for three days: $75 at least
- That brings your conference grand total to at least $570.
A ticket to the Enjoy God's Word online conference is only $59.
Plus, you can watch all the sessions in your PJs.
Tickets include an all-access, on-demand, lifetime digital pass to the conference archives
There are SOOOO many benefits to setting aside time for the Word of God, but here are just a few of the particular benefits of this year's conference:
- Spend more time in your Bible - The entire conference is geared to help you do just this!!
- Grow your understanding of the Bible - All sessions will propel you toward a deeper knowledge of Scripture.
- Enjoy a getaway with God - Setting aside time for the conference and going through the sessions will get you in your Bible and will lead to a deeper connection with God.
- Be encouraged - Sessions are geared toward helping you THRIVE in your spiritual life.
- Get exegetical teaching from the book of Titus - We have split up the ENTIRE book of Titus between out team of Deep Dive Teachers.
- Receive refreshment from the Bible - Receive excellent teaching and let the Word of God minister to your soul.
- Grab a ticket.
- Join the Bible Study Hub Community. (I'll send you a link and instructions right away!)
- Enjoy the teaching at your leisure (once the conference material arrives on December 1-3, 2022) again and again — at your convenience — for years to come.
Yes! You will have lifetime access to watch the recordings again and again.
I do have partial scholarships available. Here is the application.
If you complete the live three-day deep dive conference and don't 1) learn how to better study the Bible, 2) better understand the book of Titus, and 3) walk away with practical applications for your life, I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at by 12/7/22.
Yes! Whether it is a small group in your home or an event at church, we have several licensing options below for you to choose from. Learn all about it here.
Another stellar offering from the Enjoy God’s Word family.

Since 2018, the Enjoy God’s Word online women's Bible conferences have helped thousands of women enjoy a getaway with God through a deeper time in the Bible. From practicalities and training to encouraging and deep biblical teaching, women walk away closer to Jesus, with a renewed excitement for the Word of God.
Tickets are only $59!