through the

where you can
Better Understand
the Incredible & Unseen

Studying the supernatural
can be a struggle.
You’re not alone if ...

I can 100% relate
to the confusion and skepticism.
Unfortunately, our views of the supernatural and the heavenly beings have been shaped more by art, books, movies, and cartoons than the Bible itself. While there is much that will remain mysterious until we see Jesus face-to-face, there is more to see than what is typically taught in Sunday School.
But it doesn't have to be this way! There are TONS of details in the Bible about the supernatural world we can study AND understand.
That's why I'm hosting the
Enjoy God’s Word
2023 online women's bible conference
Join me for the seventh Enjoy God’s Word online women's Bible conference
I’m bringing together over twenty Bible teachers to teach on supernatural topics found in the Bible alongside practical breakout sessions geared toward encouraging in your walk with Christ.
(Of course, everything is recorded, so you can enjoy each session again and again at your leisure.)
This fully virtual conference will help you better enjoy, understand, and
apply God's Word to your life.
Tickets are only $59

Imagine With me ...
- After three days of enjoying biblical teaching, you re-enter everyday life with an overflowing excitement for God and His Word.
- Through theologically rich sessions, your knowledge and understanding of what the Bible has to say about the supernatural has grown.
- You have a dynamic list of ways to apply God's Word to your life, and a renewed excitement to do so.
- Your spiritual life begins to bloom as a result of investing in your walk with Christ.

With YOUR CONFERENCE TICKET you're getting:
- Fifteen stellar, biblical teachings on supernatural topics like angels, demons, spiritual warfare, and the power of the Holy Spirit
- Seven practical and devotional breakout sessions to encourage you in your walk with God
- Access to a private community of Bible girls like you
- A digital conference notebook to keep track of all you are learning
- A private podcast feed for on-the-go listening of the conference recordings
- ... and more!
Set aside three days to dive deep
and see what happens!
A stellar event like this held at a conference center, with dozens of speakers, deep theological keynote teaching, practical how-to breakout sessions would set you back hundreds of dollars.
A ticket to the Enjoy God's Word online conference is only $59.
Plus, you can watch all the sessions in your PJs.
"This conference has been the best investment I have made in my spiritual life. So many great videos. Can't wait for the next conference!"
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Tickets are only $59
Not all conferences are alike. Perhaps you've attended some that were an absolute waste of time. The 2023 Enjoy God’s Word conference will not be one of those conferences. In fact, I'm so confident in the quality of the conference, I’m including a guarantee.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you complete all the conference sessions and don't 1) learn more about the supernatural from a biblical view, 2) get equipped to walk closer to God, and 3) walk away with practical applications for your life, I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at within thirty days of your purchase.
Enjoy the conference
when and where it's convenient for you.

All teachers will teach from these biblical, theologically conservative beliefs.
Scroll down to learn more about each speaker and her session.
"Being a part of the conference has been a great experience. God is respected and loved and His Word is held to the highest standards. "
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Conference SESSIONS

All About Angels
Most of us have many questions about angels. Have they always been here? What exactly are they? Do humans turn into angels when they die? What do angels do in the spiritual realm? How do angels operate among the physical realm? In this multiple-session interview series, Katie will interview Ali as they cover the answers to these questions and many more.
about ALI
Women's Ministry Leader, Writer, Teacher / Pursuing a Master's in Christian Education with an emphasis in Women's Ministry, Dallas Theological Seminary

What Spiritual Warfare Is, and How it Shows Up in Our Lives
Rebekah Hargraves
What exactly is spiritual warfare? How do we know what is part of the spiritual battle and what is just a consequence of life in a fallen world? Amidst it all, how can we have victory? All this and more will be addressed in this session. You will come away with a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare, the ability to detect it, and the understanding of who is ultimately behind it all.
Author of Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) and Walk by the Spirit: What it Looks Like to Live The Spirit-Filled Life

THE ROLE OF Prayer in Spiritual Warfare
There is a spiritual battle going on all around us. Though we face a formidable foe, we can engage the battle through prayer. Join Brooke for this practical session where you'll learn about prayer, how it works, who it benefits, and how God uses it for others.
Founder of Million Praying Moms; Author of Praying Mom and Everyday Prayers for Peace, Host of the Million Praying Moms Podcast

All About Demons
More and more, the evil one and his minions are making themselves known. Though we know our God is more powerful, it can be intimidating and frightening to think about our enemies and the supernatural battle being waged. In this session, Diane will help you understand exactly what a demon is and what they are after.
Author, Founder and Director of Contagious Joy 4 Him Ministries to Pastor's Wives / Pursuing a Christian Ministry degree, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Understanding the End Times
Natalia Drumm
When it comes to the end times, there can be a lot of confusion and complication. Big words and conflicting viewpoints on theology can often cause us to miss the bigger picture: Christ is coming back! In this session, Natalia will present the three major theological views on the second advent of Christ in the end times. You'll learn the historical development and biblical texts these views are based upon, so you can work on establishing your own viewpoint.
ABOUT Natalia
Creator of Girlfriends in the Word™, Bible Teacher / Pursuing a Master of Arts in Christian Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary.

The Return of Christ: The Source of a Supernatural Life Today
There is much about the "end times" that is fascinating ... but you may wonder if there is any application in all those details for your life today. In this session we will explore what you can know about the miraculous future return of Christ to the earth. You'll also hear the testimony offered by both scripture and modern psychology about the supernatural benefits for your life today as you increase your trust in this promised event.
Author of How to Stay Standing , Teacher at Crossroads Church / Masters in Biblical Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

Dressed For Battle
In the book of Ephesians, Paul describes the spiritual armor God has given us. But what exactly is for ... and how do we use it? In this practical session, Leanne will explain each individual piece of armor, its function on the Roman soldier, its spiritual significance, and how important it is to use each piece in our spiritual fight against the enemy.
Women's Ministry Leadership Team at Mt. Zion Baptist Church and Author of the Pursued and Redeemed blog / Pursuing a M.Div. in Ministry to Women at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Holy Spirit Power for Our Ordinary Days
We often hear about the Holy Spirit's power and know He is living in us, but it's easy to think that power is just those on the mission field or those who are doing extraordinary work for God's kingdom. However, those assumptions are not true. In this session, you will learn about a few of the many promises that are yours through the Holy Spirit in your ordinary life.
Author of Everyday Prayers for the School Year and Host of the Over A Cup Podcast / Masters in Composition Rhetoric

Understanding the Trinity
God Himself is Supernatural. The Bible teaches that God is one AND He exists in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But how in the world does this work? Join Kathy for this helpful session on how to better understand our Trinitarian God.
Bible Teacher and Author of the "meaty" devotional series Deep Rooted / Master's in Christian Education, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary.

Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
What is the theological significance of the resurrection and ascension of Christ? And how can we apply the work of Christ to our walk with God? The resurrection and ascension of Christ are not just a completed work of God. They are the basis of our faith and impact how we are able to walk faithfully with God. For those who are in Christ, the resurrected life is available to us and the key to the abundant life Christ promises . . . no matter what we encounter in this crazy life.
Biblical Mindset Coach, Speaker, and Author of Make Up Your Mind. / Masters in Biblical Exposition, Pursuing PhD in Biblical Exposition.

Angelophanies: What they are and why it matters
Angelophany. Go ahead and say it 3 times fast, "Angelophany, angelophany, angelophany." Tongue-tied yet?! In this session, Lara will delve into three specific appearances of angels (which are called angelophanies) in the Bible and the implications these appearances hold. When you finish this session, you will understand how the truths surrounding these appearances can truly encourage our daily life even in our modern culture.
Bible Teacher, Author of Rooted and Fruitful Affliction / Master of Divinity, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Theophanies in the Old Testament
In Exodus 33:20, God told Moses, “…you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” In His kindness and compassion, God established a pattern of meeting people according to their human limitations. In this session you will learn about the theophanies — the supernatural manifestations of God appearing to humans — in the Old Testament.
Assistant Professor of Music and Worship; Director, Doctor of Musical Arts program, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary / Doctoral Degree in Worship and Hymnology, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

There are almost seven hundred mentions of heaven in the Bible. Yet when it comes to understanding the heavenly realm, things can be hard to grasp. Join Katie for this session where she will break down all the Bible has to say about heaven.
Author of Secrets of the Happy Soul and FOCUSed15 Bible Studies, Bible Teacher, founder of the Bible Study Hub / Master of Arts in Discipleship, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
"The ladies explain things so well. They have taught me new ways of understanding Scripture."
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
Conference SESSIONS

Finding Freedom from Fear
Judy Dunagan
Fear is on the rise like never before, even for those who have walked with Jesus for many years. One of the enemy’s tactics is to try to defeat us in the area of fear or with lies and doubts about the power and protection of our God. Saturated in Scripture, this session will explore biblical and practical ways to combat fear with the weapons of God’s Word, Prayer and Worship.
Author of The Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ / BA Degree in Communications, Acquisitions Editor of Women's Books and Bible Studies at Moody Publishers

Jesus Gets Us
Erica Wiggenhorn
If you wonder where God is or if He really understands, be encouraged! There is no part of our human experience Jesus does not understand. Loneliness, hurt, rejection, isolation, disappoint in others, weariness of soul and agony over evil. What can we learn from His example and how does He promise to aid us?
International Speaker and author of An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God's Goodness Through Disappointment and Doubt / Master's in Language Acquisition & Development

God-Centered Bible Study
Erin H. Warren
We often approach Scripture asking "What does this mean for me?" But the Bible is not a book about us. It's a book about God — and His name and character are written across every page. In this session, you'll discover why a God-centered approach is paramount and how to make this important shift in your personal Bible study.
Bible Teacher, Author of Feasting on Truth

Tearing Down the High Places
Christie Connaster
Old Testament kings struggled with tearing down the high places where pagan idols were worshiped. In this teaching we will explore the significance of those high places, with a view toward our own modern high places that we may be holding on to and the influence they have in our lives.
Director of Women's Ministry at New Hope Church, CTE Educator at Sevier County High School / Master of Arts in Christian Leadership Studies, Liberty University; PhD in Organizational Leadership. Johnson University

Learning to Pray from Women in the Bible
RAchel wojo
We all want to have a strong prayer life, but it can be hard to know exactly what to pray. In this session, you will learn what the stories of six women of the Bible tell us about their prayer lives. Mine these practical nuggets of truth with Rachel so you can fuel your prayer life today!
Creator at and Author of One More Step: Finding Strength When You Feel Like Giving Up

Your Significance
Rachael Adams
In a culture where bigger is seen as better, it’s easy to wonder if your quick prayer between errands or the short note you text a friend means anything in God’s kingdom. Contrary to how you may feel, every little thing you do can go a long way in God’s hands. Join Rachael as she shares personal stories of how God values each deed, practical actions for lasting impact, and encouraging prayers that reveal how much your contributions matter.
Author of A Little Goes a Long Way, host of The Love Offering podcast

How is God Different?
What is the answer to the question of "Why?" Why does God allow bad things to happen? Why is my prayer not answered? Join this session to better understand why God is God (and we are not), leading to a deeper level of trust and understanding of the answers He gives.
Author of Rock Solid Trust, Bible Study Teacher and Speaker

RICHLY DWELLING in YOU: The Why and How of Scripture MEMORY
Laura Krokos
Do you have the sense that you should memorize God's Word, but you are not sure where to start? If so, this session is for you. Join Laura who will show you why Scripture memory is valuable, how to make it fit into your life, as well as some practical tips and tricks to get you started.
Author, Speaker, Director of Women's Ministries for Master Plan Ministries

Lavish Hospitality
Kimberly Campbell
God has shown lavish, gracious hospitality towards us through the sacrifice and provision of Christ. Receiving this gift of grace is meant to compel us to show lavish hospitality to others. In this session, Kimberly will. help you discover ways to use your home and your dining room table as a place of hospitality and discipleship.
ABOUT Kimberly
Lavish Hospitality Podcast Host, Bible Teacher, Word & Table Women founder / Master of Divinity in Christian Education, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"I love the sound teaching from women whose love for God absolutely shines through them!"
Enjoy God’s Word Conference Attendee
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you complete all the conference sessions and don't 1) learn more about the supernatural from a biblical view, 2) get equipped to walk closer to God, and 3) walk away with practical applications for your life, I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at within thirty days of your purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
This fully online Bible conference includes over two dozen sessions. Many of these sessions cover topics of the supernatural from a biblical worldview. Like we have each years, there are also many general sessions filled with encouragement and equipping to help you enjoy God's Word and grow in your walk with Christ.
Everything is recorded and you will have an all-access, on-demand, lifetime pass to all conference videos and printable resources, even after the conference begins.
The conference was originally held May 2-4, 2023. Everything was recorded and you can now enjoy the sessions on-demand during the time and place that works for you. You can enjoy the conference material again and again and again for years to come. Your conference ticket gives you lifetime, on-demand, 24/7 access to all the conference recordings.
This conference is 100% online in the Bible Study Hub community (on a platform called Circle) within a private space just for conference attendees.
Your particular WHERE may be from your comfy chair in your PJs, at your kitchen sink while you wash dishes, during your commute to and from work, or on your evening walk.
We typically have over well over 300 women — from all over the world — enjoying the Word together through this conference!
A stellar event like this held at a conference center, with dozens of speakers, deep theological keynote teaching, practical how-to breakout sessions would set you back hundreds of dollars.
- Conference ticket: $170 at least
- Travel expenses: $100 at least
- Hotel room for three nights: $225 at least (if you split a room with someone)
- Meals for three days: $75 at least
- That brings your conference grand total to at least $570.
A full-priced ticket to the Enjoy God's Word online conference is only $59.
Plus, you can watch all the sessions in your PJs.
Tickets include an all-access, on-demand, lifetime digital pass to the conference archives
There are SOOOO many benefits to setting aside time for the Word of God, but here are just a few of the particular benefits of this year's conference:
- Spend more time in your Bible - The entire conference is geared to help you do just this!!
- Grow your understanding of the Bible - All sessions will propel you toward a deeper knowledge of Scripture.
- Enjoy a getaway with God - Setting aside time for the conference and going through the sessions will get you in your Bible and will lead to a deeper connection with God.
- Be encouraged - Sessions are geared toward helping you THRIVE in your spiritual life.
- Better understand the supernatural - From angels to demons, the end times and the armor of God, we have loads sessions geared to help you understand the spiritual battle going on around us, and the implications for the supernatural in your life today.
- Receive refreshment from the Bible - Receive excellent teaching and let the Word of God minister to your soul.
- Grab a ticket.
- Join the Bible Study Hub Community. (I'll send you a link and instructions right away!)
- Enjoy the teaching at your leisure (once the conference material arrives on May 2-4, 2023) again and again — at your convenience — for years to come.
Yes! You will have lifetime access to watch the recordings again and again.
Partial scholarships are available. Here is the application.
If you complete all the conference sessions and don't
- learn more about the supernatural from a biblical view,
- get equipped to walk closer to God and enjoy His Word,
- walk away with practical applications for your life,
I will refund you the cost of your ticket. Just let me know at within thirty days of your purchase.
Yes! Whether it is a small group in your home or an event at church, we have several licensing options below for you to choose from. Learn all about it here.
Another stellar offering
from the Enjoy God’s Word family.

Since 2018, the Enjoy God’s Word online women's Bible conferences have helped thousands of women enjoy a getaway with God through a deeper time in the Bible. From practicalities and training to encouraging and deep biblical teaching, women walk away closer to Jesus, with a renewed excitement for the Word of God.